Sunday, February 7, 2010


I had been making lists for some time.

Perhaps last year I stopped.

It felt a bit like I was kicking off the training wheels- that I was done with making lists, that I was in process of finishing many projects, without needing to worry about the little tricks that I'd been using to get myself to actually DO many of them in the first place.

Now, I think that instead of training wheels, listmaking is more like a bicycle helmet- a little bit of extra insurance that's useful in a "just in case" situation where something might, or does, fall through the cracks... When you're a one-man band, you can't really expect to get it ALL correct- and I think that I'm feeling that from trying to write/shoot/edit EVERYTHING myself...

It's just not possible for me to have a "perfect" product without input from other people- and usually their input is "the sound is weird" or "there's a blue screen/shake/blip in that one part" or "that part jumped to quick" and so on... Most are comments that, had I taken a few days to let my work SIT before showing it, I could PROBABLY have corrected. Instead, I release to a few (20) sets of eyes, and see what they think- slapping my forehead and saying "ahhh shucks" with every comment that makes me think "I know that!"